
A Person does not need to have money or a Ph.D. to be a success, but must have dreams, goals, and determination. Never give up your dreams.

Start your day by doing what is necessary. The next step is doing what is possible, and suddenly you realize that you are doing impossible things.

Mistakes I made in the past made me a better person, a better fighter, because I remember what I did right and what I learned from my mistakes.

Never, ever get advice from someone more messed up than you are. Seek advice from great people who have succeeded, and they will tell you that someday you will also be a great person.

Always begin your day with a positive attitude, because:

Positive thoughts....Become your words....
Positive words....Become your actions....
Positive actions....Become your habits....
Positive habits....Become your character....
Positive character....Become your destiny....

The best, and the most beautiful things, in this world can not be touched, cannot be seen - they must be felt with the heart.

Success and happiness are measured in terms of contributions an individual makes to his or her fellow human beings.

I sincerely hope you enjoy the contents of our book. We welcome you to share with us your story. Always take care and have a blessed day.

With Love,
Ms. Faye Almazan

Paradise Hills Films
Feliz Johnston Productions.
Oriental Delights Entertainment Co.